David Murdock Are You Really A Christian
David Murdock Are You Really A Christian? My Halloween post that got my Christianity questioned…Am I a Christian because I colored my hair, put on a hat, a flowered shirt, […]
David was raised in South West Louisiana in a preacher’s home. Though he was raised in a Christian home he went another direction in life for many years but was compelled to return to his Christian upbringing and his Faith in God.
David is an Ordained Minister, Business Consultant, Speaker, Author, Musician, and Songwriter.
His background consists of the Field of Transportation, Management and Consulting. He is an Outreach OSHA General Industry Trainer and a Certified Trainer of Life Languages with Life Languages Institute based in Dallas TX.
David Murdock Are You Really A Christian? My Halloween post that got my Christianity questioned…Am I a Christian because I colored my hair, put on a hat, a flowered shirt, […]
Wanting Change…Needing a Change…But Are You Willing To Change? Change Your Philosophy and Increase Your Value. Have you ever asked someone how they’re doing and they respond “same ole thing […]
Cindy and I were taking our morning walk today; we walked through one of our favorite areas, the Garden of Prayer that is by our home. The Garden of Prayer […]
There Is A Deadly Disease That Could Be Killing You! Did you know that unforgiveness is classified in medical books as a disease? Wow, who would have thought to not […]
Don’t give up on your Dreams! You can have the life you want, the life you desire…… Have you ever heard that before?? I’ve gone through life some days feeling […]
Are you glad 2015 is over? Have you been waiting for something good to happen and it didn’t? It seems sometimes good things just happen and other times they don’t. […]
Conflict is inevitable because of differences in people. It is a part of life. People have different opinions, values, personalities and different needs. We all filter incoming communication and life […]
Have you ever worked with someone and it just seemed so hard to connect or understand each other? Maybe even in a relationship and it may seem that they were […]
I have always been amazed at people who say they believe in God, they believe in heaven and hell but yet do not obey Matthew 22: 39…Love your neighbor as yourself.
David and Cindy Murdock
Living Life Ministries
PO Box 14581
Fort Worth, TX 76117
Phone:(682) 622-8715