
Change Your Philosophy and Increase Your Value

Wanting Change…Needing a Change…But Are You Willing To Change?

Change Your Philosophy and Increase Your Value.

Have you ever asked someone how they’re doing and they respond “same ole thing just a different day”, nothing ever changes. People blame the government or a particular political party over their hardships or job loss. You’ve heard the saying, the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer… We tend to blame others or situations in life over our struggles, when it’s us that needs to change.

You will never have change as long as you blame someone else!

You’ve seen where some people make it while others struggle trying to make it. If you listen to their conversations you can see their difference by their philosophy. Sometimes people live life thinking that whatever will be will be. They can be hard workers and never seem to go anywhere in life, always working from the bottom of the pile. Some spend more time working hard on the job, when they need to work harder on themselves. They need to change their thinking; they need to change their personal philosophy.

Philosophy is simply a set of ideas about how to do something or how to live, a personal outlook or viewpoint.

I believe when you change what’s inside of you; you will change what’s around you. When you change what you say, you will change what you believe. When you change what you believe, you will then change your life!

Never wish life were easier, wish that you were better-Jim Rohn

Change Your Philosophy!

  • Don’t wish life was easier…Work at being better!
  • Don’t pray for fewer problems…Learn more skills!
  • Are you waiting on a pay raise…? Why not become more valuable!

Work on changing yourself; work at being a better you! If there is something you want changed, but it never changes, shows a change in philosophy is needed.

Someone who stays in an abusive relationship shows there needs to be a philosophy change. If you’ve wanted to lose weight and you can’t, a change in philosophy is needed. If you need more than 24 hours in a day…It’s not ever going to change…You must change.

If you’re struggling with your life today, nothing ever seems to go right… ask yourself why?

Your life will never change until you change. Life will not get better until you get better.

Life doesn’t get better by chance…It Gets Better by Change!

It’s not what happens, but it’s what you do when it happens!

You will increase your value when you change your philosophy…….

David Murdock


Is Your Perception The Truth?

Cindy and I were taking our morning walk today; we walked through one of our favorite areas, the Garden of Prayer that is by our home.

The Garden of Prayer is not a real “garden” as the name may suggest, but it is a wooded area that someone has taken and put in different spots to remember Jesus Christ. The garden consists of a replica of the tomb where Jesus had been buried and the stone had been moved and now the tomb is empty. There are several other areas throughout the garden where you can pray.  The garden path takes you to an area that has been named Golgotha, this path ends on a hill where three crosses have been erected in remembrance of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. I love coming here and praying.

Today was different; Cindy noticed another path of rocks going up a hill. We notice a wall built out of rocks at the end of the path. The wall looked like it was 7-8ft tall and went a 100 ft or so across.  I had never seen this wall showing through the woods before. It was like my eyes were opened to something new.

I could tell Cindy was feeling adventurous and wanted to go check it out, so I said lets go see what this wall is. As we walked across the wooded area and started up the path, Cindy decided to stay back and let me check it out, 🙂 (remember this is in a wooded area) I went on ahead.

The rocky path up to the wall was very steep, I had to hold on to some branches and walk myself up the path. As I got near the top, I noticed some railroad ties, then I could see clearly what I thought was a wall…yep the wall we had seen was actually rail road tracks. I could not believe it…I started laughing; there wasn’t a wall at all, it was train tracks.

Now, had I not examined what I was not really clear about, and had accepted an unclear perception as real, that would have become my truth.  I would have left there thinking it was a wall. We would have discussed that and wondered what was behind that wall, telling our friends and family about this wall that we had never noticed before, through the woods.

What I perceived as real and what was actually real was different as night and day. There was a gap in what I perceived to be real and what was actually real. After seeing the tracks, I could not believe I had thought this was a wall.

God made something very real and clear to me from this, about life and our relationships.

When you’re looking at something from a negative perspective and it isn’t really clear, what you see can very well be different than what actually is.                                                                                                                                                  When we believe something negative that we feel to be truth and don’t really have any real knowledge or facts about it, and make a decision based on a perception and not actuality, eventually, we will have a negative reaction.

When something is unclear or unsure, before you make a decision based on your perception…Examine It before proceeding. Never allow a negative perception to grow without examination.

Don’t become deceived by a negative perception of something you believe to be true, that really isn’t. Don’t be blinded by the spirit of darkness… Sometimes our perception blinds us to the truth.

Remember what we believe will grow in our mind, negative or positive.

It’s vital that we stay away from any negative perception.

Close The Gap…Examine Your Perception!

Is It Negative or Positive?

Think of Good Stuff Today…                                                                                                                                                 (Philippians 4:8)

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Should You Really Forgive?

There Is A Deadly Disease That Could Be Killing You!

Did you know that unforgiveness is classified in medical books as a disease? Wow, who would have thought to not forgive someone that has wronged you is a disease that the unforgiving person incurs for refusing to forgive. What’s even worse, this disease has been linked to cancer.

According to Dr. Steven Standiford, chief of surgery at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, refusing to forgive makes people sick and keeps them sick.

Studies show that 61 percent of all cancer patients have unforgiveness issues. They are now using forgiveness therapy to help treat other diseases like cancer.

Other studies showed that when internalizing, suppressing and hanging on to negative emotions, anger and hatred, it creates chronic anxiety. Chronic anxiety then produces excess adrenaline and cortisol, which depletes the production of natural killer cells, which fights cancer in your body giving way to a disease that, takes your life from you.

It is vital to stay away from negative energy.

The effects that negative emotions have and harboring anger, hate, all the negative garbage that you keep inside will eventually destroy you. I know to forgive is easier said than done…However; It is a choice you have to make…Your life depends on it!

The simple definition of Forgive…is to stop feeling anger toward someone who has wronged you and to stop blaming them… It’s not that easy…But to keep it inside of you and to let it stew is giving that person power over your physical being not to mention your spiritual being, your soul.

Jesus said to the disciples…For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. Matthew 6:14,15. (NIV)

To forgive was a major thing back when Jesus walked with the disciples. To have eternal life in heaven, you will have to have forgiven those who’ve wronged you. That should be enough in itself to walk in forgiveness.

I hear people all the time say they have forgiven people, they just haven’t forgotten. That sounds good…but what part of what they did have you not forgotten?

When you think about what they did, what do you feel?  Don’t hold a grudge. It affects you more than them.

I realize to forgive and forget is impossible, that is why forgiveness is something we constantly do.

Choose to forgive and let go the emotions that comes with the pain, resentment, and anger. These emotions will destroy you and stay festering deep inside you. Yes, we still remember the offense, and yes, we can learn from it, but to truly forgive, we treat the person as though it never happened.

You may be wondering, do you have to stay in relationship with someone who has wronged you…if you’re in a relationship that is emotionally unhealthy and it always gets the best of you and continues to bring you down?  You have the right to protect yourself or anyone from harm whether emotional or physical. Forgiveness is not staying in an unhealthy environment that brings you to an emotional wreck.

Forgive them from your heart and remove yourself from that unhealthy environment.

The scriptures state in Proverbs… Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. Proverbs 13:20 (ESV)

Should you forgive? …….Only if you want to live a healthy life.

Remember…Forgiveness is for your health.!!